Listed Building Insurance

Grade I, Grade II and Grade III listed building Insurance

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What is Listed Building Insurance?

Currently, the UK has around half a million listed buildings. A listed building usually has unique architectural features or is of historical interest and importance. More often than not, the older the building, the more likely it is to be listed; in fact, a building can not be listed until it is at least 30 years old. Some more famous listed buildings include the Palace of Westminster, Warwick Castle, King's College London Chapel and Buckingham Palace.

There are three main types of listed buildings:

  • Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest
  • Grade II*: significant buildings of more than special interest
  • Grade II: buildings that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them'

How does a building become listed?

There are a few common ways that buildings can become listed. The first option is nominating a building to Historic England, responsible for protecting the country’s historic environment.

In some circumstances, Historic England may choose to designate a building as listed, based on its research and priorities.

None Standard Construction

Home insurance cover is one of those types of insurance that you only ever think about when you need to make a claim. It's probably wise to make sure your home and its contents are fully covered before that happens.

Why use listed building insurance?

The privilege of owning and living in an English Heritage Grade 1 or Grade 2 Listed Property brings with it some additional responsibilities for homeowners, both in terms of the restrictions placed on the property regarding changes to the property’s construction, use or appearance and also in relation to making sure that the insurance company that covers the property’s buildings and contents insurance is fully aware that they are insuring a Listed Building.

Repairing or restoring a Listed Property, either Grade 1 or the more prevalent Grade 2 Listing, means that when an insurance claim is made it is possible that the cost of repairing and restoring the property to its original state would potentially be higher than for a conventional property, owing to the specialist skills required from master craftsmen, expert architects and others. These skills and the materials associated with repairing a Listed Property are likely to cost the insurance company more as they are less widely available and therefore potentially more expensive. In extreme cases, the materials required to repair a Listed Property may not be available at all, owing to the use of obsolete building methods and materials from a bygone age.

Insurers are therefore nervous of insuring a property that may have its own unique features and that may in time require a lot of time, effort and cost to repair and maintain – hence why some insurers are not prepared to offer cover for Grade 1 and Grade 2 Listed Buildings.

What does listed building home insurance cover?

Due to the nature of listed buildings, your requirements will change based on the features of the building. However, common types of cover included with listed building insurance include:

  • Buildings Insurance: This covers damage to your listed home’s physical structure, its fixtures and often its fittings, commonly including roofs, chimneys, walls and windows.
  • Contents Insurance: This covers your possessions, such as furniture, clothing and electricals. It is common for each item to have a maximum claimable value, typically £1,000. If you have any items worth more than £1,000, please discuss this with your listed building insurance provider.

Additionally, listed building insurance can also sometimes cover:

  • Unoccupied properties
  • Accidental damage
  • Legal expenses
  • Home emergency cover
  • Personal belongings
  • Valuables, inc. specified items
  • Heave
  • Subsidence

Grade 1 listed building insurance

A Grade 1 listed building is considered a site is of exceptional architectural or historical importance. Unlike Grade 2 listed buildings, which are quite common, It is rare to find a Grade 1 listed building because of the significance that is placed on such sites.

Grade 2 listed building insurance

Somewhat confusingly, Grade 2 listed buildings are split into two categories. 92% of listed two buildings are considered just grade 2. A small exception of Grade 2 listed buildings are considered Grade 2* (or Grade II*, 'Grade 2 star') as they are judged to be of particular national importance or special interest.

Due to the significance of these buildings, having sufficient listed building insurance is crucial to the maintenance and upkeep of your property.

How can we help?

Fortunately, QuoteRack works closely with insurance brokers who can offer you access to specialised schemes offered by niche insurance companies looking to provide listed building home insurance.

Frequently asked questions

Do I legally need listed building insurance?

Like regular home insurance, listed building home insurance is not legally required unless your mortgage provider insists that listed buildings insurance is in force as a requirement of their mortgage offer. However, due to your property’s significant importance and age, repairs and claims can become costly without appropriate cover.

How do I know if a building is listed?

To find out if your home is listed, you’ll need to search your local database.

Enquire through us for listed building home insurance

If you have explored other avenues of enquiry in your search for listed building insurance, then you are welcome to submit your details through the QuoteRack website, without cost or obligation to proceed when you receive your insurance quote.

How to get a quote for Grade I or II Listed Building insurance

If this has been your experience or if your home insurance policy is due for renewal and your buildings or contents insurance has increased from last year, you may want to consider using the services of insurance brokers who specialise in providing access to insurance underwriters who offer insurance policies specifically designed to cater for owners of Listed Buildings in the UK.

These insurance schemes are not widely publicised nor are they widely available from the mainstream insurers – home insurance for listed properties is a highly specialised area and QuoteRack offers you the opportunity to compare your existing insurance with quotes from our panel of expert insurance brokers. Clicking the ’Get a Quote’ button on the right side of this page will present you with a simple online form. Once completed, this form will be sent instantly to our panel of insurance brokers who are keen to guide you through the options for insuring a Grade 1 or Grade 2 Listed Property.

Listed Property - Downloads

Why buildings are listed

Principles of Selection for Listing Buildings

Alterations to Listed Buildings

Help with applying to make Changes to Listed Property

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