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So another series of BBC’s ‘The Apprentice’ has run its course, with 24-year old Leah Totton the latest contestant to win a business partnership with Lord Sugar.

But where previous winners of the show have descended into obscurity (or in the case of Stella English, a lawsuit with the Lord), it seems likely that Leah will manage more than her 15 minutes of fame.

Not least because her business plan – to open a chain of high-street botox clinics – will see Lord Sugar well and truly under the media microscope, if not under the knife.

Conscious of the potential pitfalls, both Sugar and his new apprentice have already actively embraced industry regulation, and reinforced their desire to make this a clinical practice rather than a beauty salon.

But doubtless Lord Sugar’s advisors are working busily in the background to ensure his latest venture is protected by the very best in clinic insurance – wary that it would only take one dodgy lip-filler to land the boss with a bloody nose and a bruised reputation.

Clinic and GP Practice Insurance

Cosmetic surgery practices, like any medical clinic, are fraught with the potential for litigation. And while Lord Sugar may like to take risks in his business life, anything less than watertight clinic insurance would be a gamble too far.

It’s the same story for all owners of doctors, dentists, vets practices and health clinics around the country. And while they may not be under the same level of media scrutiny as the Apprentice boss, it could easily be argued that the financial implications of any medical negligence claim would be far greater for them than to a multi-millionaire business mogul.

This type of claim isn’t uncommon either. The evolution of Britain’s blame culture means that clinical negligence claims are now readily available to us all, with no-win-no-fee offers dominating TV adverts on certain channels.

The medical excellence shown by the vast majority of UK practices and clinics is, of course, the primary way to protect against such claims. But doctors, nurses, vets and dentists are only human – mistakes can be made – and it’s in these circumstances that your surgery insurance serves its purpose.

Take a few moments to assess your medical clinic insurance options with Quoterack, and it could save you from a real pain later on. Doubtless Lord Sugar will be doing just the same…