Listed Property Home Insurance - You Need a Specialist Insurer

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In a recent blog post, we looked at high-value home insurance in the wake of the newly proposed Mansion Tax.

But it’s not just homes of high financial value that deserve specialist insurance; homes of historic or cultural value must also be protected - especially so, if they are listed.

Listed buildings promise prestige to the owner, but they also come burdened with responsibility. These duties preclude you from altering the property in any great way, but more significantly deem that any restoration required as a result of damage must be carried out to exact specification.

Given the age of many listed buildings, such restoration works often require specialist materials no longer in common use, and can result in a bill much higher than you might normally expect.

In a nutshell, that’s why a specialist Listed Home Insurance policy is so crucial. Only experts in the field can accurately project the value of the buildings cover you require.

There are more benefits, too, to a Listed House Insurance policy.

Anticipating any potential repair work to be an intensive and lengthy task, many Listed Home insurers will provide extended cover for alternative accommodation. So while your home is restored, you’ll be covered for somewhere to stay.

Policies can also protect you from costs incurred as a result of the previous owners’ failure to adhere to regulations. Should you be required to ‘undo’ an unlawful extension or restoration, your listed home insurance cover can cushion any financial blow.

With listed buildings not exactly commonplace, listed property insurance is something of a specialism. But that’s no reason to go with the first insurer you find – especially when you can compare a range of quotes from expert listed insurers quickly and easily through QuoteRack.

It’s the best way to find the most suitable policy for you – a policy that sets your mind entirely at rest. After all when you have the responsibility of looking after one of the country’s most treasured properties, what price can you put on peace of mind?