QuoteRack's Blog for All Things Insurance

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QuoteRack.co.uk launches new insurance blog

What's going on in the wonderful world of insurance? For most, insurance tends to be something that you only buy when you have to, so the idea of keeping up to speed with events in and around the insurance industry might not sound like a fun way to while away an hour or two.


When we set up QuoteRack.co.uk back in 2006, we targeted those types of insurance enquiries that we thought might struggle to find a home with the more established, 'mainstream' insurance websites. And so it proved.

With several years' experience of handling specialist and non-standard insurance behind us, we now consider ourselves reasonably well informed in these types of insurance cover and so we thought it would be a good excuse to give our website visitors the inside track on some of the areas that QuoteRack covers, maybe an insight into the more unusual and specialist insurance quotes we receive, plus related articles and features that you will hopefully find interesting. Never let it be said that insurance is boring.

We deal with a number of specialist insurance brokers and financial intermediaries around the UK and it is they to whom your insurance details are sent, depending upon what your specific requirements might be and the suitability and speciality of the relevant insurance broker.

So we hope that our insurance partners might also wish to contribute to our insurance blog as well and this is an offer to any QuoteRack broker or intermediary for them to submit blog posts or articles that they think might be of interest.

So that's about it and here we go..please pop back soon to read all the news that's fit to print.