Pre-Existing Health Condition Private Medical Insurance

Private health insurance for existing medical conditions

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For those unfortunate enough to have a pre-existing medical history or existing health problems and who are looking for private health insurance, QuoteRack gives you the opportunity to discuss your private medical insurance requirements with insurance experts who may be able to offer you health insurance for a pre-existing medical condition.

Company private health insurance

High blood pressure has always been a problem for me but fairly easy to control - the insurance quotes I received for my private health cover took this into account

The range of pre-existing health conditions that can afflict any of us is long and of course everyone is unique. These long term medical conditions are some of the medical conditions that might exclude you from obtaining conventional private medical insurance and that would require individual underwriting terms before cover could be considered:

  • Cancer
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol

It is no surprise that many who suffer from an existing medical history believe that they are unable to obtain quotes for private medical insurance. This is not necessarily the case and QuoteRack's network of specialist health insurance brokers will be pleased to offer you advice, information and quotations regarding any existing medical conditions you may have.

You may also be interested to see other QuoteRack categories such as pre-existing medical condition life insurance and family medical history life insurance.

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